samedi 4 février 2012

12 Engaging Facebook Posts to Consider

If you are wondering what would help you grow your Facebook community organically, the answer is relevant interesting content and engaged community managers. But even the best community managers sometimes run out of creative ideas.
Here are the 12 types of posts that in my experience consistently produce high levels of engagement.
1. Pictures. Pictures, images and photo albums are rather popular with the fans. One of the top five Intel Facebook posts of 2011 wasn’t even technically a post; it was the photo album featuring images of new Intel museum in Santa Clara. The post was liked over 17,000 times and with over 1,000 comments. And it isn’t the only example.
2. Fill in the blank. Let fans share their own perspective with you. Example would be “I love technology because _____” Again, one of our highest performing posts.
3. Questions. Asking fans to share their story or point of view is one of the most effective ways to increase engagement on your page. Though simple, this type of post is often overlooked by community managers. “Real or fake?” “What do you think?” “What is your story?” Or just plain “PC or Tablet?” would do.
4. Trivia. Your real brand fans as well as those who are not very well acquainted with your company would appreciate a little bit of trivia or sharing of historical company facts.
5. Quotes. People love quotes. Use them!
6. Videos. This one is a no-brainer. Videos, especially the unusual or funny ones, are always welcomed by fans. Rich media like pictures and videos are also one of the most shared formats on Facebook.
7. Holiday wishes. Show the human side of your company by wishing your fans happy holidays throughout the year.
8. Celebrate milestones and say thank you. Did you reach an important milestone? Celebrate with the fans! When Intel reached 500,000 fans, 1 million fans, etc. we celebrated on our Intel page by changing the profile picture and thanking our fans for being a part of our amazing community. The response was overwhelming.
9. Call to action. If you want your content shared or your posts to be liked or commented on, ask! Simple “Like [or share] this post if you agree” or “What do you think?” would do the trick. However, use it sparingly.
10. Offer interesting challenges. Quizzes or trivia questions might be interesting to your fans. Earlier this year we posted a comment written in binary code on the Intel page. Our fans loved it!
11. Open the kimono. Offer behind the scenes videos or the making of videos or posts that will give your fans exclusive inside scoop on what’s happening within your company.
12. Polls. Want to know something? Ask your fans! And if you run out of ideas or if your content calendar suffers from the “boring bug” just ask your fans what they would like to see on the page and deliver on their expectations.
And whatever you do, don’t automate your posts. Show your fans you care enough about this community to create a custom message specifically for them every day. Good luck!

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